I'm going to break the rules slightly as a time travelling comedy writer and say I liked this article before even reading it. I have been writing about cosmogenesis for a few years. Black holes being the engine through which new universes are born fascinates me, and has some interesting overlap with simulation theory for sci-fi writers!

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May 25, 2023Liked by Julian Gough

Loved it! I imagine you are aware that there has been some attempts to explain complexity in the face of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. I barely know the argument, but it seems to boil down to the idea that complex structures are actually a very efficient way to disperse the energy of the universe.

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A theory with predictive powers. And, a nice way to situate us into a much wider structure. However, another question must be asked: wIthout evolution, would there be "nothing"? If not, then why evolution?

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It's a tree! Listening to the conversation and have put all the information, together, in a short amount of time I realised it. The universe borns it grows and makes other universes by taking matter from himself. A tree borns, grows, makes from himself flowers which became fruits which the make other trees. I LOVE MY JOB!

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Is there any way (that isn't pirating) to get this in an audio format? Because as a pod listener, I have observed two big limitations with youtube. 1: you have to be online 2: your screen have to be on for 2h+

(I am now realising that both issues could technically be solved by giving google a bunch of money, but we all know that they're charging way too much at this point)

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this'll certainly keep me preoccupied for a couple hours, thanks again

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